On OKAST it is possible to place clickable visuals to display advertising or self-promotion. These are Display formats. 


Format features

  • These are clickable images and editorial elements such as thumbnails or banners.

  • They are integrated into the elements of your platform, such as carousels, mosaics or banners.

  • They can link to the URL of your choice within your platform or to an external site.

Examples of use

  • Highlighting a sponsor who appears on clickable visuals on your platform (logo, products)

  • Promote your services or products by linking to an external site

  • Promote your mobile or TV applications with a link to the stores

  • Display promotional banners with a coupon code or for a limited offer and link to your platform's offer page

  • Create banners in your main carousel to highlight an offer and link back to it using the direct link to an offer.

Of course, you can also use a "brand content" format by integrating content from brands or external partners, linking to external sites. This works very well in conjunction with advertising and promotional videos.

Create a Display element

Go to the PUBLISHING MANAGEMENT / Display menu, then click on the button  to create a new Display element:

Then fill in the various fields:

  • Title : The title that will be displayed below the element on your platform

  • URL link when clicked: the link to be sent back to when a user clicks on the visual

  • Open link in a new tab: if you want the browser to open a new tab when the link is clicked, activate this option

  • The image: the visual that will appear on your platform
    This image is used to illustrate the offer to your users.

    The sum total of the images must not exceed 8MB

    Example 2 images = 8MB, 4 images = 8MB.

    If you do not have the appropriate formats, the uploaded image will be automatically resized by our system.

  • Geographical and temporal restrictions: if you wish to limit the display of these formats geographically or over time.

Finally, once created, your formats will appear as content, so you can insert them into your Smartlists.

The display icon is :

Download data

You can access all the statistics relating to your Displays campaigns at any time by clicking on the ANALYTICS > Displays menu.

When you click, an excel file is downloaded, summarising all the information, such as :







  • The unique number of the Display
  • Its status (active or deactivated)
  • Display name
  • Its creation date
  • Total number of clicks
  • Date of last click

(please note that it may take some time for the information to be updated)

 You can test all our “front end” functionalities on our demo platform accessible here: https://demo.okast.tv/