On your OKAST platform you can send transactional (automatic) emails to your users according to their actions (subscription, password reset, payment confirmation etc.). Today, you can customize them according to your identity and your platform.



Templates of the transactional emails

If you have subscribed to the “customization” feature for your platform, you can customize these emails and change their content.

You can also change the logo on the cover of these emails and change the background color associated with these emails.


When is it triggered?
Subscription to a classic offer
Activation of a free access
Activation of a gift

Usable tags:

<%=offer_name%> = Offer name
<%=password_url%> = URL for new password request
<%=project_name%> = Project name OKAST


When is it triggered?

- Cancellation of a subscription taken out only from your platform's web page: /my_offers.

- The cancellation of an offer subscribed from an application must be carried out from the Apple or Google parameters (like all applications), even if the Offer web page of your platform displays the application offers. This application cancellation does not require a specific email from OKAST.

Usable tags:

<%=offer_name%> = Offer name
<%=project_name%> = Project name OKAST

Forgotten Password

When is it triggered?

When a client clicks on “reset my password”

Usable tags:

<%=password_url%> = URL for new password request
<%=project_name%> = Project name OKAST


Free access

When is it triggered?

Generation of a free access for your offer

Usable tags:

<%=freecopies_url%> = URL to validate a free access
<%=offer_name%> = Offer name
<%=project_name%> = Project name OKAST

Gift recipient

When is it triggered?

When a gift is purchased by a person, the email is sent on the selected date to the recipient of the gift.

Usable tags:

<%=send_date%> = Date of sending the email offering the gift
<%=gift_sender_name%> = Name of the person giving the gift
<%=gift_receiver_name%> = Name of the person receiving the gift
<%=gift_message%> = Message accompanying the gift
<%=gift_url%> = Gift activation url
<%=offer_name%> = Offer name
<%=project_name%> = Project name OKAST

Gift confirmation purchase

When is it triggered?

When buying a gift, the person who made the purchase immediately receives this mail

Usable tags:

<%=project_name%> = Project name OKAST

Payment Confirmation

When is it triggered?

When a transaction is made

Usable tags:

<%=offer_description%> = Description of the offer
<%=purchase_date%> = Purchase date
<%=transaction_id%> = stripe transaction ID
<%=price%> = Purchase price
<%=project_url%> = OKAST project URL
<%=editor_support_email%> = Editor support email
<%=offer_name%> = Offer name



When is it triggered?

When buying a gift (email sent to the buyer)
During a purchase

Usable tags:

<%=password_url%> = URL for new password request
<%=offer_name%> = Offer name
<%=project_name%> = Project name OKAST
<%=project_url%> = OKAST project URL

Subscription renewal

When is it triggered?

When an account that has unsubscribed in the past subscribes again

Usable tags:

<%=project_name%> = Project name OKAST


The MJML language of the transactional emails

Our email templates are in MJML (Mailjet Markup Language) and we invite you to install the dedicated application to read them and facilitate their modification.

You don’t need to rename the files in order to facilitate their new integration. Moreover, you do not need to modify the specific codes that allow you to insert the name of your project, the name of your offer or the amount of the transaction and that are in the following form:

<%=project_name%>, <%=purchase_date%>, <%=transaction_id%>, <%=offer_name%>, <%=price%>

If you need help with this language, here is a short tutorial.


Add your email address to the mailer

Finally, adding your email address to the mailer allows this address to be the sender of the various transactional emails sent to your users

To add your email address to the mailer, please send us the following information:

Email address :
Password :
SMTP server:

If you change the password associated with this email address, please notify us as soon as possible.

If you wish to set up an application password, here are the steps to follow:

  • Read the Google Help page => Sign in with App Passwords – Google Account Help
  • follow this link to start the procedure => https://myaccount.google.com/security
  • Go to => Sign in to Google
  • Then Application Passwords
  • Finally, select for the field ‘type’ => Messaging
    and for the field ‘Device’ => Other
  • In the field ‘for example, YouTube on’ you name the application in full => OKAST
  • Click on the blue button ‘generated’ and send us the password.

The application password allows us to connect to this email address without using your personal password.

NOTE: It is important (or mandatory) to configure SPF, DKIM and DMARC for the email address used.

  • SPF (Sender Policy Framework):

Help prevent spoofing and spam with SPF

Define your SPF record by adding a TXT

  • DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail):

Help prevent spoofing and spam with DKIM

Turn on DKIM for your domain by adding a key in a TXT type

  • DMARC (Domain-based message authentication, reporting and conformance):

Add your DMARC record

These 3 elements are essential for your emails to reach their destination.