Okast allows you to develop your mobile applications on Android and iOS. As on the desktop versions of your platforms, you can set up internal redirection URLs but these applications URLs have a particular configuration so that they can work.

The format of the application URL


EX: app://playlists/

The different applications URLs available

To set up these URLs, you must respect the format indicated above, the XXXX being the text between quotation marks.

EX: app://mylist/

Content: ‘content/:uuid

Smartlist: ‘smartlists/:uuid

Serie: ‘series/:uuid

SmartlistAudio: ‘smartlist_audio/:uuid’

Casting: ‘casting/:uuid

Playlists: ‘playlists/’

Playlist: ‘playlist/:uuid

MyList: ‘mylist/’

Account: ‘account/’

UserInfo: ‘profile/’

UserPassword: ‘password/’

UserSubscribes: ‘my_subscriptions/’

UserPurchases: ‘my_purchases/’

UserLanguage: ‘languages/’

UserNotifications: ‘notifications/’

UserHelp: ‘help/’

UserHistory: ‘my_history/’

Offers: ‘offers/’

SignIn: ‘signin/’

SignUp: ‘signup/’

REMINDER: The UUID is a sequence of numbers and letters that is found at the end of URLs that are not friendly on your platform.