Fill in the metadata of your iOS and Android apps

Modified on Thu, 25 May 2023 at 11:09 AM

Fill in the metadata of your iOS and Android apps

When developing your dedicated iOS and Android apps, it is essential to fill in the metadata requested by Apple and Google respectively so that your app can be submitted and published. Let's take a look at the different metadata involved here.


iOS metadata

Go to your developer account via then to the App Store section

When you select the version of your app, you can fill in the following parts:

Version-specific information

  • App previews and screenshots: put visuals of your app here
  • Promotional text: write a short text that will be displayed above your description in the App Store
  • Description: describe your app, detailing its features and functionality
  • What's new in this version: describe what's new (new features, improvements and bug fixes)
  • Keywords: fill in keywords that will make the search results in the App Store more accurate
  • Support URL: Enter a URL that will allow users to get support information from your app
  • Marketing URL: enter a URL related to your app's marketing information


General - Information about the app

  • App name and subtitle: 30 characters maximum for each, make sure you use strong keywords here
  • Category: choose the category/domain of your app from the drop-down list
  • Content rights: indicate that your app has the necessary rights to its third-party content
  • Age classification

General - Pricing and availability

  • Price: Free
  • Tax Category: choose "Software for the App Store
  • Availability: indicate the territories in which your app is available

General - App Privacy

  • Privacy Pledge: fill in two URLs, one URL to your Privacy Policy/AGP and another URL to allow users to edit and delete data collected via the app
  • Types of data collected via this app: Name and email address that enable the functionality of the app and are linked to the user's identity

Android metadata

Go to your developer account via and select your app:

Go to the "Growth" menu and then to "Presence on the Play Store".

  1. Main Play Store record
    • Name of the application
    • Short description: 80 characters maximum, it must include a catchphrase, highlighting the fundamental principle of the application
    • Long description: 3,000 characters maximum, it must also include a catchphrase because the display is different on mobile and desktop, insert strategic keywords in order to position the application in the Google Play and can insert call-to-actions, describe the application's features
    • App icon: size 512×512 px (more info:
    • Presentation image: this asset will be present at the top of your page on the Play Store and allows you to highlight elements of the application and to attract Internet users
    • Screenshots: these should explain the functions of the application, and may include a sentence explaining the features highlighted

  2. Store settings
  • App or Games: App
  • Category: choose the category of your app from the drop-down list
  • Email address: enter a contact email address that will be visible on Google Play

Also check the Dashboard section which may ask you to fill in some information.