Editor management: create different accounts for your back office editors

Modified on Wed, 17 May 2023 at 03:14 PM

The editors’ management allows you to create different accounts for your back-office users. Each account is associated with a profile in order to define the rights and accesses that you give to a person, to one or several of your projects.

You can therefore finely manage access to all or part of the functions of your back office. This article details the different options.

1/ Add an editor

Depending on the package subscribed to OKAST, the number of accounts is limited.
By default it is limited to 3 accounts. To get more, contact the support.


From the home page, go to Back office users  > Add a editor  .Fill in the fields and activate its status .

Then assign access rights to your editor’s projects:

1. Either as Admin, in which case he has access to all projects, all features, and all data. Activate his status with >  .

2. Or by assigning one or more roles for each project. Check and uncheck in the drop-down list the roles you wish to assign to your editor.

3. Each item corresponds to a project.


2/ Defining your roles

Each account is assigned a role from this list:

3Project admin
4Content manager admin
5Content manager
6Editorial manager
7Business manager
8Analyst admin
10Moderator admin

Each role gives read or write rights to your data and will restrict access to certain features.  The table below illustrates the possibilities.



3/ Description of the rights associated with the roles

1. Owner

This is the main account in the back office. It has all the rights.

Access to all functionalities and all data.

2. Admin

Has the same rights as the owner, but cannot modify the owner’s account.

Access to all features and data.

3. Project admin

This is the main account for one or more projects. He/she has all rights on his/her projects.

Access to all features and data of his projects except:

  • Main Dashboard
  • The list of the different Projects
  • Creation of new Projects
  • Manage editors

4. Content manager admin

This is the main account for all content and castings.

Access in one of your Projects to the menus:

CONTENT MANAGEMENT (> Hosted content, Live content, External content, Series and Bulk import)
CAS & Crew

No access to:

  • Audio playlists (CONTENT MANAGEMENT)

Note that the CONTENT MANAGEMENT menu gives access to the Owner column. It displays the avatar, name, first name and email of the Owner concerned.

5. Content Manager

It manages only the contents that belong to it.

Access in one of your Projects to the menus:

  • CONTENT MANAGEMENT (> Series and Bulk)

No access to:

  • Main Dashboard
  • Audio playlists (CONTENT MANAGEMENT)

6. Editorial manager

He manages the editorial part of a project and is responsible for the layout and, in a broader sense, the design and graphic charter of the site.

Read-only access in one of your Projects, to the menus:

  • CONTENT MANAGEMENT (> Hosted content, Live content, Smartlist, Series and Audio playlists)
  • CAS & CREW
  • OFFERS MANAGEMENT (> Subscriptions – Bundle) in read-only mode

No access:

  • Main Dashboard
  • OFFER MANAGEMENT (> Free of charge, Free copies, Gifts)

7. Business Manager

It manages the pricing of content (free or paid), gifts, and free copies.

Read-only access in one of your Projects to the menus:

  • CONTENT MANAGEMENT (> Hosted content, Live content,) in read-only mode
  • OFFER MANAGEMENT (all the menu)

No access to the other menus.

8.  Analyst admin

He can analyze exclusively in read-only mode, the data of one or several projects of the organization.

Read-only access in one of your Projects to the menus:

  • Main Dashboard
  • CONTENT MANAGEMENT (> Hosted content, Live content, External content)
  • OFFER MANAGEMENT (> Subscriptions – Packs, Free copies, Gifts)

No access to other menus.

9. Analyst

He can analyze exclusively in read-only mode the data of his contents.

Access in one of your Projects to the menus:

  • ANALYTICS (> Contents)
  • CONTENT MANAGEMENT (> Hosted content, Live content, External content)

No access to the other menus.

10. Moderation Admin

He can moderate one or more Projects of the organization.

Access in one of your Projects, to the whole COMMUNITY menu (> Comments)

No access to the other menus.


4/ Management of editors

From the home page, go to > Back office users  to view the list of different publishers.

  • The red status indicates that the editor has no access
  • The list of roles is visible when hovering over the line
  • The number of linked projects is displayed in the Allowed Projects column
  • The pencil allows you to modify the roles or projects of your editor