Analytics: tracking transactions, subscriptions and unsubscriptions

Modified on Mon, 18 Dec 2023 at 11:48 AM

In your project, go to the ANALYSIS REPORTS menu and then >Transactions to track your users' activity.


1- A dashboard with key indicators and their evolution over 30 days:

  • Registered users: indicates all users who have created an account on your platform.
  • Active users: the number of users who have subscribed to one or several of your offers.
  • Trial period: the number of customers who are in a trial period and therefore not being charged.
  • Unsubscriptions: the number of unsubscriptions in the last 30 days.


2- List of subscribers

A list of users who have subscribed to your offers is available with the following information:

  • The email address
  • The name of the subscriber
  • The payment interface, OKAST, Stripe, Appel, Google, etc.
  • The price of the offer to which the subscriber has subscribed
  • The name of the offer to which the subscriber has subscribed

  • The status of the subscriber. Several statuses are possible:
    • Unknown: the subscriber’s status is unknown.
    • Unpaid: the subscriber has not paid.
    • Canceled: the customer’s subscription is canceled (for example, if his bank account does not have sufficient funds).
    • Error: there is a payment error, to get the details you just have to move your mouse over the wording, it could be.
      • Incomplete: the customer has not finalized the authentication process (see article here for more information).
      • Incomplete expired: the deadline to finalize the double authentication has passed.

    • Past due: in the event of a payment error, we try again to collect the customer for 3 days, after this period the subscription is canceled.
    • Trialing: the customer is in trial period and no sampling has yet been done.
    • Active: the client is active.
  • The frequency of payments defined by your subscription offer: monthly, annual, etc…
  • The date of the first payment
  • The date of the next payment

It is possible to display this list for a year, for a year, for 6 months, for 3 months, for a month, for a week, for the previous day or the current day.

Finally, this list can be downloaded in.csv format


3- The list of unsubscribers

You will also find a list of all your unsubscribed users. With the following information:

  • The email address
  • The name of the subscriber
  • The offer to which the subscriber has subscribed
  • The subscription date
  • The unsubscription date
  • Reasons for unsubscribing

It is possible to display this list for a year, for a year, for 6 months, for 3 months, for a month, for a week, for the previous day or the current day.

Finally, this list can be downloaded in.csv format


4- The list of customers who have rented streaming content (TVOD)

Finally, from this menu you will also have a list of all customers who have purchased your TVOD offers, with the following information:

  • The email address
  • The name of the subscriber
  • The payment interface, OKAST, Stripe, Appel, Google, etc.
  • The price of the transaction
  • The title of the TVOD offer
  • The Type of TVOD
  • The duration of the rental streaming
  • The date of the rental