With OKAST, you can consult a detailed activity report for each of your contents.

There are 3 ways to access it from the menus:

1. ANALYSIS REPORT > Contents. Simply click on the title of the content you wish to view.

2. CONTENT MANAGEMENT > Hosted content > access the content edit form. At the top, next to the activation button, click on the bar graph icon :.  

3. CONTENT MANAGEMENT > Hosted Content. When hovering over the table, the bar graph icon appears on the right-hand side.


The content analysis report page is broken down into 5 Widjets

1. The first includes :


Number of views

Views % of total views (importance of this content in your catalog)

2. The second shows the number of views of the content.

You can observe this data in the form of a bar chart for data at time T, and in the form of a curve for cumulative data. You can change the observation time range: data from the same day, the day before, the week, the month, 3 months ago, 6 months ago, the current year or since you registered.

3. The third is a report of your users' sessions for this content, notably displaying :

Viewing time. How long my content has been viewed by a given user.

Completion rate. This is the % of content viewed by a user.

4. The fourth corresponds to the location of your users and the number of views of this content. Here you can localize your users and the views of your content country by country and by varying the observation time range.


5. The fifth represents the distribution of devices used to view your content: TV, computer, game consoles, tablets or mobiles.

To download the information on excel, click on the icon: