It is mandatory to include certain mentions on your platform for your users and visitors of your site. How to include these mandatory mentions on your platform? We tell you everything here.


The different types of notices to include

General Terms of Use (GTU): The GTU define the terms of use of the site and define the rights of users. They apply to visitors and users of the website.

General Sales Conditions (GSC): The GSC allow to set a legal framework to their commercial relationship by protecting the customer and the supplier in particular in case of conflict, informing the customers before placing an order or concluding a transaction, specifying the responsibilities of each party, setting the competent jurisdiction in case of conflict.

Legal notice: The legal notice is information about the publisher of the website. The visitor of a website must be able to obtain the information necessary to identify the publisher, the host or the director of publication.

Terms and Conditions agreement: The agreement that includes the terms, the rules and the guidelines of acceptable behavior and other useful sections to which users must agree in order to use or access your website

Privacy policy: A privacy policy is a document or contract that outlines a company’s commitments regarding the handling of users’ personal data.


Create dedicated smartlists and displays

In your back office, you can then create smartlists corresponding to these different main categories or to those of your choice.

In the description of the smartlist, fill in the text corresponding to the information you wish to indicate.

Then, create a display with the same name as the type of category concerned, which you will include in this smartlist. It will allow the text to appeared.


Include links in the footer

In the settings of your platform, you can add links that will appear in your footer.

You can therefore add links to the “GSC”, “Terms of Use” or “Privacy Policy” smartlists.


And that’s it, your platform has all the required information!