You can configure the design of your smartlists pages. Warning: for consistency reasons, the configuration will be the same for all your smartlist pages within your platform. So be sure to choose a format suitable for all your pages!

Go to Platform > Layout > smartlist page

You can choose whether or not to display sharing icons on your platform’s smartlist pages with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or email shares.

You can then choose the type of component you want to use to display your smartlist content and the associated settings.


1/ Mosaic

Here the rule is simple: the mosaic displays the elements of your smartlist (contents, castings, smartlists, series or display elements) one after the other. The number of thumbnails adapts to the width of the screen in order to cover it completely. You can use the dialog button to give an overview of the elements:


2/ Carrousel

If you choose the carousel format, the design of your page will depend on what is in your smartlist:

  • If your smartlist contains contents, castings, display elements: all elements are displayed in a single smartlist:

  • If your smartlist contains only other smartlists (and no content or display elements), then the smartlist page displays as many carousels as there are smartlists (included in your smartlist):


For example, if you want to create a “Cinema” smartlist with subcategories “Action”, “Drama”, “Science-Fiction”, you have to create first your different smartlists “Action”, “Drama” etc… including your different contents, then create a “Cinema” smartlist which will include all the smartlists “Action”, “Drama” etc…

Other options of your smartlist are the same as for the carousels of your home page: number of thumbnails per scroll, image format, display the title of the items etc…

NOTE: You can enable a sample widget for your platform’s smartlists pages. For more information on how to set up widgets, see our dedicated article.


? You can test all our “front-end” functionalities on our demonstration platform here:

If you have any questions, please contact us.