The Smartlists are playlists that allow you to group together your content content or sets of content to showcase them on your platform.
- 1. The smartlists list
- 2. Choose your Smartlist: Standard or Automatic
- 3. Your Smartlist
- 4. Rendered on your platform
1. The smartlists list
The smartlists menu displays all the smartlists you have created
- You will see up to 6 indicators next to your smartlist:
indicates a time restriction is associated with your smartlist
indicates a geographic restriction is associated with your smartlist
indicates the number of languages in which your smartlist exists
indicates the number of elements that are part of your smartlist (3 for example if your smartlist includes 2 contents and one categorie)
- The colored icon indicates the status of your smartlist:
non enabled or ended smartlist
smartlist enabled but not available for the moment
smartlist enabled and currently available
is clickable and allows you to access the settings of your smartlist *
* Clicking on your smartlist name also gives you access to its settings
2. Choose your Smartlist: Standard or Automatic
Go to menu > EDITORIAL MANAGEMENT > Smartlist to choose the behavior of your Smartlist.
Standard Smartlist.
This is generated with the library items you can select (videos, audios, series, etc.). You'll find a list of these items on this page in chapter: G: Standard Smartlist items.
Automatic Smartlist.
This is generated automatically, with filter criteria that you can select (genre, keywords, authors, etc.). These filters correspond to the information entered in your content page, a list of which can be found on this page in chapter : Automatic Smartlist items.
3. Your Smartlist
To edit your smartlist you just need to click on or on the name of your smartlist.
Note: In order for your smartlist to be published, it must contain a title and an image (at least for the default language) and at least one element, regardless of the type (another smartlist or content).
A. The internal name in the back office
- You can change the name of your smartlist by clicking on it.
- You can enable or disable your smartlist by clicking on the power button
- The colored icon will change in the same way as on the previous page according to your settings.
B. Languages
- You can choose the languages in which you want to display your smartlist (you need a minimum of one language).
- The checked language is be the default language of the smartlist. This is the language in which your smartlist will appear, if no translation has yet been made for the selected languages.
- By clicking on
you delete a language from your smartlist.
- By clicking on
you access the language selector, and you can add as many new languages as you want.
C. The title
You can add a title to your smartlist for each of the languages you have previously selected. The indicator is there to remind you the default language of your smartlist.
The title will be displayed in two places:
1. On your site’s Home page.
2. In your smartlist.
D. The friendly URL
The friendly URL is automatically generated from the title given to the content with dashes between each month. This URL will be the one of the content on the platform. You can leave this field empty and a URL will be generated.
For more information on friendly URLs, read our dedicated article.
E. The description
- You can add, or not, a description to your smartlist for each of the languages you have previously selected.
- The indicator
is there to remind you the default language of your smartlist.
- The indicator
is clickable, and allows you to change the size of your editing space.
F. The illustrations
If you want to offer different illustrations for different languages, you can do so. Otherwise, only the default language is compulsory. The indicatorto the right of the language is there to remind you of the default language of your Smartlist.
Four illustration formats are available: banner, 16/9, poster and square. If you don't have suitable artwork, you can upload an image which will be automatically resized.
To guarantee the best experience for your users, whatever their connection or medium, we encode each of your illustrations in 3 formats (low, medium and HD quality).
Please note: do not exceed the maximum combined size of 8MB for illustration images.
For example: if you want to offer 4 different illustration formats in two languages, you'll need to optimise your 8 illustrations so that they don't exceed 1MB each.
You can then choose the design of your Smartlist to give your users as much control as possible over what is displayed. So choose from one of the 4 image formats by going to the PLATFORM >Disposition > Smartlist menu.
- The first type, in 16 x 6, corresponds to the carousel n = 1 (one illustration per horizontal scroll)
- The second type, in 16 x 9, corresponds to the carousel n = 6 (here 6 illustrations per horizontal scroll)
G. The standard Smartlist items
In this section, you can add as many items to your Smartlist as you already have.
- In this section, you can add as many items to your smartlist as you have existing ones.
- Different types of elements are addable to a smartlist:
Audio content
- The added smartlists will then create playlists in your smartlist.
- The added content will be presented individually.
- By checking the boxes, you can transfer several elements to your smartlist together.
- In the same way as for adding elements to your smartlist, you can remove them by the same process.
H. Automatic Smartlist items
In this section, you can add filter criteria.
Filters are added together, i.e. 'and' not 'or'.
Different types of filter criteria can be added to a Smartlist:
Duration type can be modified in the first tab of the content file > Media
Genre, format, theme, target audience, keywords and year of production can be modified in the second tab of the content file: Metadata.
Actor, director, producer, author, sales and contact can be selected in the third tab of the content file: Casting.
Nationality can be modified in the fourth tab of the content file > Languages and Metadata.
- Select one or more of the 14 filter fields. You can, for example, select the same filter field several times, as filters add up, i.e. 'and' not 'or'.
- Then select the value for each filter field: 'is equal to' in the right-hand column.
I. The restrictions
You have the possibility to restrict access to your smartlist, either to countries, or for a time period, or both at the same time.
1. Geographic restriction.
Restrict your smartlist allows you to offer your content, only to the people to whom it is addressed
- By clicking on
you can activate the geographical restriction.
- You can, by clicking on ALLOW, select the countries that will have access to your smartlist.
- In the same way, you can, by clicking on BLOCK, select the countries that will not have access to your smartlist.
- By clicking on
2. Availability period
- You can select using the calendar, the start date of your availability period.
- You can also select using the calendar, the end date of your availability period, if there is one.
- However, if you wish to delete the availability period, click on
- You can select using the calendar, the start date of your availability period.
J. Variables
The variables are linked to the setting of widgets on your platform. For more information, read our dedicated article.
K. Copying Smartlists
You can copy Smartlists from one project to another using the data copy module at the top right of Smartlist pages (and also contents).
4. Rendered on your platform
- To finish, click on
- That’s it, your smartlist is now set to be available on your site
TIPS: a smartlist can contain maximum of 999 elements.
If you want to change the way your elements are displayed on your playlist, see the article How to configure your smartlist page.