The advertising menu allows you to broadcast promotional video formats (CSAI MP4*) before, during and after your video content.

These short formats (under 60 seconds) allow you to upload promotional videos with clickable links. They are particularly useful for :

  • Sponsorship agreements with a brand. You can then broadcast advertising content before, during or after one or more items of content, and refer your users to an external site.

  • Self-promotion: in this case, you can add a video format that links to another of your content or offers (create a trailer for your service that links to the subscription page for your platform or applications, for example).

  • Inform your users with messages about legal obligations, such as the insertion of CSA jingles in France for films with age restrictions.

To set up a promotional advertising campaign, go to the menu OFFER MANAGEMENT / Advertising / Create a new advertising / CSAI MP4.

Then click on the Create a CSAI MP4 advert button.


Once in the CSAI MP4 campaign editor :

1. Upload the promotional video you want to display within your content. Please note: it must be less than 60 seconds long.

2. Then choose the link you want to send users to if they click on the promotional video (leave blank if you don't want to send your users anywhere).

3. Define the insertion time: this could be pre-roll (the promotional video is played before), mid-roll (in this case the promotional video is played halfway through your content) or post-roll (the promotional video is played at the end of the content).

4. Finally, you can add the option for a user to skip the promotional video, i.e. add a button to close the promotional video. You can allow this button to appear after a delay of your choice.

5. Last step: Associate an offer from the menu > OFFER MANAGEMENT / Price Plan.

Then select the pricing plan a) to which you wish to apply the ads. In Parameters b), activate Monetisation c), and select your advertising offer.

Please note that there is no notion of advertising capping: promotional formats will be viewed systematically regardless of the user (no limit on the number of views).

Finally, you can access all the statistics relating to your campaigns by clicking on the ANALYTICS > CSAI MP4 menu.

When you click, an excel file is downloaded, summarising all the information, such as :

  • campaign start date
  • campaign end date
  • number of views
  • number of views at 100% of content
  • cumulative duration of views
  • average number of views
  • number of clicks
  • click-through rate
  • number of skips for the promotional video
  • skip rate for the promotional video
  • date of last view

(please note that it may take some time for the information to be updated)

*CSAI definition'Client-Side Ad Insertion' is an advertising delivery method where ads are inserted on the user's device rather than on the server. CSAI offers greater flexibility and better ad targeting.

You can test all our “front end” functionalities on our demo platform accessible here: