Media : Catalog

Modified on Thu, 27 Jul 2023 at 10:35 AM

Database - Media catalog

Your media are now all standardized! You can now view your available media catalog. To view this interface, click on the "Video" tab, then "All videos".

Here's your media list

  • File : clicking on the name opens a player to view your file

  • Tag : visually represents the name and color of the tag associated with this media.

  • Type :
    • Standard media (mono-segment)
    • Segmented media (multi-segment)

  • Duration : displays the nominal duration of the media

  • Added on : date and time media was added

  • Image : indicates the presence of a thumbnail in the media's metadata

  • Metadata: groups together the metadata added at the time of media deposit

  • Replay : @Philippe Gourgand - ToDo

  • SCTE-35 : indicates the presence or absence of SCTE-35 parameters on the media

  • Availability: indicates whether the media is available for broadcast.

  • Action
    • Statistics.
    • Edit : opens the media editing screen (metadata + SCTE-35 settings + thumbnail)
    • Import copy: duplicates the media.
    • Delete: deletes media from database and storage.

Video examples

Actions taken :

Video preview of media

Metadata editing

Activate SCTE-35 marker on media (Ad Break - cue out/in)