Linked content is a group of content linked together by rules. They allow you to display on a page of your site a main content, for example your film, linked to different secondary contents such as bonuses, making of, trailers or alternative versions of your contents.


Create linked media.

To add and manage linked audio or video content on your platform, go to the menu > CATALOG > Medias encoding > Create new media to encode > Linked content.

Good to know: You cannot link content that already exists on your platform. If you want to link content that has already been encoded, such as videos or hosted audios, you must create a new hosted content of type ‘Linked content’.

On the page for creating and managing linked content, the default linked media displayed is the ‘Main media’. Start by filling in the fields on the first ‘Media’ tab in the same way as for a Hosted Video.

Then, on the left of the ‘Sources’ window, click on ‘Add content’ to add your linked media: Bonus, Making of, Trailer or Versions. Click on the bin icon to delete a linked media.

There is only one ‘Main Media’ for a group of linked content. By default it appears first, but you can remove it and for example choose to start with a trailer until your ‘Main Media’ is available.

The other linked media, bonuses, making of, trailers and releases can be created several times

As they are linked together, they share some of their information, such as the tabs; ‘Metadata, Casting, Metadata Languages, Rights Management and Availability’. You therefore only have to fill in these tabs once.

Note: The ‘Availability’ tab allows you to list the offers including these media, there is nothing to fill in.

If you don’t want to share the information of the tabs: Metadata, Casting, Metadata languages and Rights management with several contents, you must create a hosted video.

For example: Your film (Main media) and your long version (Version) do not have the same rights to be broadcast abroad.

Adding content linked to a Series

It is not possible to add content linked to a series. You need to create hosted videos for your series. More information on the => Create series page.

Adding content linked to a Smartlist

To add your related content to a Smartlist, go to the menu > PUBLISHING MANAGEMENT > Smartlists, then create or select a Smartlist.

Once on your Smartlist page, select one or more media from your linked content in ‘My library of items’ to add them to your Smartlist.

Adding content linked to an offer

To add your linked content to an offer, go to the menu > MANAGE OFFERS, then create or select a SVOD or BUNDLE offer.

Once on the page of your ‘Offer’, select the group of linked content of your choice in ‘My library of items’ to add it to your ‘Offer’.

Special feature of linked content offers:

– The pictogram of linked content in an offer is as follows.
– The offer includes the whole group of linked contents. It is not possible to separate the contents in different offers.
– By default, trailers are accessible free of charge.

Visualise your result

To view the behaviour and relationships of your media linked to your site, click on the ‘Eye’ icon which will turn blue on hover .

If this symbol is not blue make sure you have saved the ‘Friendly URL’, completed the ‘Encoding’ and saved the linked content in an ‘Offer’.