Customise your platform for free

Modified on Thu, 05 Oct 2023 at 05:02 PM

Customisation is one of the keys to the appeal of your project. With OKAST, you can modify a large number of elements, from the appearance of your platform to the way it works for your users.

You can access the Favicon, Logo, Facebook Login Pixels and Copyright options from the Project > Site settings menu (symbolised by the pencil).

Favicon and Logo

Your favicon is the icon in the tab of your site.

Your logo appears at the top of your platform in the header. You can then move it to the Header & Footer customisation option.

Facebook Login and Pixels

You can add the connection via Facebook Login or your own marketing pixels during identification.

Copyright in the Footer

Your copyright appears at the bottom of your platform in the footer. You can then move it to the Header & Footer customisation option.

Header & Footer

Add and change the order of elements in the header and footer. Create and add links to external sites or add tabs.

To do this, go to : PLATFORM > Layout > Header & Footer.

To find out more about creating new tabs, see our illustrated help page > Add sections in the header of your platform

User registration

Add personalised fields when registering a user (address, country, preferred language, gender, age, company, etc.).

To do this, go to : PLATFORM > Layout > Sign up page.

To find out more, see our illustrated help page > Customize the sign up fields of your platform

You can also choose what type of recording you offer on your platform.

To do this, go to the PLATFORM > Configuration menu.

Display the offer page before creating an account, i.e. the main action button in the header will link to the offer(s) page and the user will have to choose an offer before creating an account.

If you only have free content, this is the best option.

If your users are not registered or logged in, the action button in the header will ask them to register or create an account. The offer page will be accessible via the action buttons on the content page (subscribe, rent, etc.).

To find out more, see our illustrated help page > Set up the registration funnel for users

Configuring comments

To do this, go to the PLATFORM > Configuration menu.

You can enable or disable the following functions:

To find out more about moderating comments, see our illustrated help page > Activate comments on your platform. 


You can modify the texts on the various screens of your platform (login, registration, offers, account creation, sending gifts, profile page, error messages, casting titles, etc.). In all, over 100 text fields can be modified!

For more free customisation, go to the article > Configuration of your platform: labels, playlists, triggers, recording, etc.